What Love Looks Like

Love looks like the face of Christ. If we will train ourselves to recognize Him, we will be able to see Him in those around us. I see Him in my husband’s face and actions each time I look for Him. He isn’t hidden. He’s in plain view. And in front of me, with me. The love Ron shows me mirrors the love from God for me.

It has taken me decades to finally discern what Love really looks like. Day in and day out. It’s all of the little things done in love. Sacrificially. Some only I would recognize as kisses from Father. Through someone who loves me and isn’t afraid to show it.

The Lord has lovingly placed many people around each of us that will allow Him access into their hearts. These are the ones to whom His love pours through into our souls. These are the vessels who carry His love to a lonely and hurting world. May our eyes be opened to recognize Him in them.